Meet the Team

It was many years ago whilst living in the heart of the English countryside that Max's IT skills took root. As most people understand, IT is constantly changing at such a pace that whoever takes on such a profession has to keep up with the latest information or they can find themselves very quickly lagging behind. This suited Max to a Tee!
He has worked for both large and small corporations, in several fields, such as financial institutions, local authorities and IT solutions service providers. This has given him a well balanced understanding of various business needs.

Michelle has always worked in a customer service environment. Working for charitable organizations, banks, schools and other sectors has given her the ability to bring experience to this role. This has made it possible for her to understand what it takes to keep their customers happy. She hopes her warm and cherry disposition will leave them with a positive experience.
Both Max and Michelle have lived and worked across varies countries and continents. This has given them the opportunity to get to know and understand many cultures and how to relate to people from all walks of life.